Pronunciation & Grammar

Key features

4 weeks

15h / week in class

5h / week self-study

9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

From A2 to B2+


Why choose Pronunciation & Grammar

Speak as much as possible as all expert French speakers do, i.e. in phonetic words.
Read, aloud and in your head, in phonetic words, to reinforce your mastery of written and spoken comprehension.
Play with your voice, the sounds and emotions you can produce.
Get to know French speakers better through the themes and vocabulary covered.

Training organization


Singing is an effective way to improve and gain confidence. Songs help you to familiarize yourself with syllables, and to better grasp the phonetic word (different from the graphic word).

We’ll work on all the components, i.e. sequences and connections. We’ll also compare the pronunciation of French sentences with those of other languages, to analyze similarities and differences.

We’ll also be working on unknown syllables, specific to spoken French (contractions, etc.).

Reading aloud

Reading aloud enables you to work on one of the CEFR’s all-too-frequently underestimated skills: orthoepy. While spelling is the ability to write correctly what one hears, orthoepy is the ability to read aloud what is written like an expert French speaker. We’ll discover the relationship between pronunciation and grammar in spoken French.

We suggest that you develop this skill, which is essential to progress in written and oral comprehension.


Spoken language is also about emotions! Theater, in addition to singing, will enable you to work on the emotions that your voice can carry, training you in the classroom, in a safe and dedicated environment, to help you gain ever greater confidence.

Personal work

In connection with the end-of-session assessment, you will need to do some personal work to help you make the most of your new skills. This work can be done in the school library. You can also ask the trainers present to help you.


At the beginning of the session you’ll choose a French song you like, and at the end of the session you’ll sing it in public, in front of the other students and the trainer!

A text chosen in class at the start of the session will also be read aloud.

For both activities, you will be given an evaluation grid at the start of the session. So you’ll know exactly what will be assessed, how far you’ve come, and whether there’s still work to be done.


Music streaming platform

We’ll use singing as a way of improving French pronunciation. So you’ll need a subscription! This could be Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Deezer, or others. With this, you’ll be able to centralize the songs you discover, and each group will create its own playlist!

This subscription also enables us to pay our artists, so that they can make a living from their art and continue to enrich our heritage.


During this session, we’ll be using the textbook ” Phonétique essentielle du français, B1 – B2 ” published by Didier. The exercises, which combine pronunciation and grammar, will help you systematize what we’re working on.


You’ll learn how to use the recorder on your cell phone to record your oral productions. We need to hear ourselves speak to measure our progress.


Take pride in your pronunciation
Preparing for the DELF and DALF exams
Your choice: July or September
Does not qualify for visa

690 € + 60 € administration fee