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DALF C1 Preparation | Obtain the Best Results with FTC

DALF C1 Preparation is design to develop your comprehension and production skills, by talking to your intelligence and a methodological work. Objective: obtain the best score. Master and succed with our preparation!

Key features

4 weeks

15h or 30h / week in class

5h / week self-study

Morning and / or Afternoon

B1+ criterion


Why take DALF C1 exam?

Enter a French university or grande école.
Progress in your professional career, by moving into management.
Methodological preparation for written and oral argumentation.
Prepare for stress management specific to the challenge.

DALF C1 Expectations

At C1 level, synthesize press and scientific articles is the key written and oral skill. Its mastery (in addition to linguistic and socio-cultural skills) will enable you to take the DALF in the best possible conditions. That’s why we are proud of DELF C1 Preparation. We want you to succed at university and in your professionnal career!

Keep in mind : DALF C1 is not synonym of fluent French. It means you have the ability to produce intellectual reflexion, in French.

FEI offers you one mock exam. This will give you a better idea of what to expect and how much work you’ll have to do.

DALF C1 Preparation | Session content

According to the exam, we offer you two courses : comprehension and argumentation / synthesis, focusing on production. We do not provide a ready-to-think / ready-to-said material. We want accompany you to develop your own reflexion, in French (and your others languages!). By talking to your intelligence.


Oral comprehension

You will have two exercices, with real extracs from radio program, as France Culture radio station. In addition to helping you to understand authentic audio documents (and invite you to listen to them at home), we will use pronunciation to help you accelerate your mastery of listening comprehension.

Written comprehension

As for reading comprehension, the aim is to familiarize you with the reading and rapid comprehension of French newspapers, specialized magazines (online and paper) and also scientifical articles, as well as the strategy to adopt on the day of the exam.


Oral production

Oral production is the only individual test. Lasting 90 minutes (60 for preparation, 30 for passation), it is designed to validate your ability to present and defend an reflection by synthesizing two documents and by using the specific French essay framework. You will also have to understand and answer questions examinators will ask you.

In order to succeed, a detailed, methodological approach, based on an analysis of your productions, will help you to understand what examintators are expected of you.

Written production

You have two hours and half, so two exercices, to propose two good productions. The double, compare to DELF B2! The task will be to synthetize few documents (exercice 1) and used them for the argumentative essay. You will have to show the development of your argumentation skills.

We’ll discover that quantity is a simple thing to achieve. So we’ll be concentrating on substance, i.e. pragmatic competence (when I write, what am I saying?). It’s the spice of DALF C1 Preparation!

DALF C1 Preparation | But also

General culture & Knowledge

It is an important part of your success in the DALF exam, especially the DALF C1. Indeed, the documents are based on national current affairs, on a variety of themes such as education, health, ecology, work, …. So you need to know the main points, which will help you.

Personal work

In connection with the weekly mock assessment (every Friday), you will have to produce a personal work to develop the knowledge needed to obtain the DALF C1. As we have seen, DALF is also about showing an interest in social issues. We are also here to help you in this work, so, ask us!

Digital resources to help you continue your work on reading and listening comprehension will be available in the group’s Google Classroom.


At the end of each week, we will offering you a mock DALF C1, designed and assessed according to the criteria set by France Éducation International. This test will help you get used to the exam format. You will receive individual feedback, with one target : succed in your work.

At the end of the month, you’ll receive an attestation / document indicating the number of hours of coursework completed. You’ll also receive a transcript of your grades, regardless of your results.


Google Classroom

All the documents we work on will be made available to you in both paper and digital format. We use the Google Classroom solution to facilitate access to documentation.


During this session, we’ll be using the DALF 100% réussite (2nd edition) manual published by Didier editions. The advantage of this handbook is that it provides good technical preparation for the exams.

French language News

To be prepared, you’ll need to take or maintain an active interest in French current affairs. Be able to talk about what’s on the news, for example on the francetvinfo.fr website (which has the advantage of being free), understand societal debates.

DALF C1 Preparation

Mastering production & comprehension
Preparing for the DALF C1 exam
July, to be ready for the 4 last DELF DALF session
Does not qualify for visa

15h/week: 690 €

30h/week: 1290 €

60 € administration fee